Matt GilletteDallas Recording Connection

Lesson 7 Posted on 2013-07-19 by Matt Gillette

May 15th


Lesson 7


Amps are what power things, make sound louder. Power comes in ac/dc formats Solid state or tubes A preamp commonly used to power mics equalizer boosts or cuts different frequencies summing amps put signals onto one bus Distributions takes one signal and send it to many other devices.


Tubes have a more clean sound to them, other than that comes down to ciruit design and the components within the amp.


Matching impedance exactly isnt ideal, but the preamp input impedance should be about ten times greater than the mic output impedance.


All comes down to your wants and needs on how many preamps you have in your studio.

Can help by being able to have lots of things plugged in at once.


No preamp device in a signal path will "improve" sound. Will only be passed or degraded

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Matt Gillette

Lesson 7Posted by Matt Gillette on 2013-07-19

May 15th 3-5PM Lesson 7   Amps are what power things, make sound louder. Power comes in ac/dc formats Solid state or tubes A preamp commonly used to power mics equalizer boosts or cuts different frequencies summing amps put signals onto one bus Distributions takes one signal and send it to many other devices... Read More >>