Matt GilletteDallas Recording Connection

Lesson 8 Posted on 2013-08-16 by Matt Gillette

May 29th


Lesson 8


Miking is a skill that take practice to get great at, its all done by ear. Avoid overloading, breathe noise, unwanted sound, phase issues.

There are many techniques to properly stereo record a sound. x-y, a-b, m-s, Mixed stereophony, Binaural.

3:1 distance rule, for every unit of distance between a mic and its source, a nearby mic should be separated by at least 3 times that distance.

The best way to get the sound you want its to experiment with mic placement.

Record the direct signal with a DI box

reamping is re-recording an instrument that has been directly recorded. .

Producer, helps with the actual music writing Music lawyer... we all know what he does. Use your common sense be prepared for the studio/to record. Have all the equipment you need ready, be able to play, and be on time(Duh)

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Matt Gillette

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