Matt GilletteDallas Recording Connection

Lesson 3 Posted on 2013-05-01 by Matt Gillette

April 17th

3-5 PM

Lesson 3


The basics of digital audio.


Audio gets converted from analog to digital, from voltage to numbers on a computer.


I find digital to be obviously the thing of the future.

You can record/create an entire album now just through digital plugins/software


You will come arcoss the nyquist theorom which states you must take twice as many samples as the highest frequency in order to get the full desired quality.


You will run into quantization errors and clipping, but just use a higher bit rate and dont have everything turned up full blast and you should be fine.


There are many types of audio files, mp3 being the most common compressed type file


I dont really find WAV uncompressed files to sound much, if at all ,better though... as you would think.

but if your going for best possible quality non compressed formats are the way to go.




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Matt Gillette

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