Automation is such a helpful tool. Obviously, because a song has many different sections and often times the sections have different variations of how it needs to sound. Pro Tools have made it so easy for users to see what they're doing in "Automation Land". I used to be in band growing up so I played a lot of sheet music. Anyone familiar with reading sheet music knows there are different sections where your dynamic change, watching the conductor was a big part of the understanding where to be loud and where to be quiet. But within the music, there are dynamic signs telling you what to do all throughout. This is like automation but instead, it is a live band. It is almost like the engineer editing the music is like a composer saying who, what, when, where and how to each part.
David Willis — Fort Worth Recording Connection
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David Willis
Automation is such a helpful tool. Obviously, because a song has many different sections and often times the sections have different variations of how it needs to sound... Read More >>
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