This was a very good chapter. I learned a lot about acoustics and monitoring and the history of the acoustics. The production of sound and how it dates back all the way to the 16th century BC and how Pythagoras known as Nestern and for his theory relating to triangles and musical intervals. I learned about where the listening position is for the audio engineer, where the speakers should be placed, and how the height of them makes a huge difference on how the mix will sound. I learned about the different acoustic terms such as acoustic attenuation, acoustic impedance, and how that is the oppsoition to the flow of sound through some media. This was a great chapter it gave really good info also great ideas and things that will help me as I keep going towards the engineering field. When I went to the studio this time my mentor was working with a client and its always good to see your mentor working with someone because it gives you a good idea of how I will be working with my clients. But he was a musician he sang vocals, played the harmonica, and played the acoustic his name was Paul Teerlinck very good musician.
Alonzo Trujillo — grand junction Recording Connection
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Alonzo Trujillo
In the mastering chapter i learned about a lot of things here are some things I learned and know they will really help me in the future... Read More >>
Alonzo Trujillo
This was a very good chapter. I learned a lot about acoustics and monitoring and the history of the acoustics. The production of sound and how it dates back all the way to the 16th century BC and how Pythagoras known as Nestern and for his theory relating to triangles and musical intervals... Read More >>