In the mastering chapter i learned about a lot of things here are some things I learned and know they will really help me in the future. Dither adds a low level noise to your audio signal to make quantization errors less noticable. Data is encoded on a CD using LPCM (Linear Pulse Code Modulation). Redbook CD Standard sample rate and bit depth are 44.1 kHz, and 16 bit. RMS metering is measured (the average amplitude based on a mathematical algorithm). Loudness is achieved by compressing and limiting at different gain stages reducing the dynamic range and boosting the overall volume of the audio signal. Dither is used to fix quantization errors due to lowering sample rate and bit depth. LOUDNESS WARS (the period of time from the early 90s to early 2000's where we saw less and less dynamic range in our music and more and more relative loudness was referred to). Ralative Loudness refers to how loud a song is compared to other songs. PQ code is data that is encoded on the first 2 of 8 channels of subcode on the CD. Peak Metering is measure of amplitude of a waveform instantaneously as the waveform is playing back. One of the last things I learned was that a song cannot be made 100% ready for duplication, including, metadata such as ISRC codes and SKU #'s using pro tools. This chapter will help me best when it comes to me to master a track!
Alonzo Trujillo — grand junction Recording Connection
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In the mastering chapter i learned about a lot of things here are some things I learned and know they will really help me in the future... Read More >>
This was a very good chapter. I learned a lot about acoustics and monitoring and the history of the acoustics. The production of sound and how it dates back all the way to the 16th century BC and how Pythagoras known as Nestern and for his theory relating to triangles and musical intervals... Read More >>