Week nine, this week started just like every other week I went in and Alex and I went over my test for that week and made sure I understood it. Then I got my computer out and we went throw my computer to make sure pro tools was installed correctly. Alex also did a couple other things to make sure my computer and pro tools was running correctly. Then we opened pro tools and he showed me what to do as soon as pro tools opened up. Then using the session, they put on a flash drive for me we started to play around with it. Tyler went over all of the basic key commands on my computer since I have a pc and they have a mac. With that session we were using they showed me some more about editing. They made sure I knew how to switch from screen to screen. They showed me how to zoom in and out last week but they showed me again just to nail it into me. Then they started to show me all the tools pro tools have. Like grid and slip mode. They showed me how to use all the edit tools like the grabber and selector. Over all my computer screen seems so small compared to there so I need to either get a bigger one or just get used to it.
Ashton Nelson — Indianapolis Recording Connection
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