Chapter 17 Automation, I went to the chapter not knowing what it was. Going through I got more a grip on it and it was cool. Tyler had showed me something like it when I was making a mix, but not the exact thing. I was excited that if there was a guitar solo that I wanted to turn up I could. Then at the end of the solo it will go back where it started. Learning about the history of automation was amazing I never thought that there had to be more than one person there to turn things up and down all at the same time. They could not lesson to the mix once change the guitar then go back and lesson again to change the vocals. Everyone had to be there and adjusting at the sometime. I went in to the studio ready to learn more, I had not yet tested it out on my own so Tyler opened a session up and let me text it out. It was more impressive than I expected. He showed me the different ways that you can automat, I did not realize how easy it was and how much adjusting you can do.
Ashton Nelson — Indianapolis Recording Connection
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Chapter 17 Automation, I went to the chapter not knowing what it was. Going through I got more a grip on it and it was cool... Read More >>