Week ten, was more about pro tools which is ok with me. I went into the studio ready to learn this week, I hadn’t done the best on this week’s quiz I got a B. with this in mind I wanted to understand what I got wrong so we sat down and looked over the quiz and made sure that I understood it. This week was amazing because I got to make a song out of almost nothing. I really didn’t see this happening but I sat down with Alex and he showed me a couple of things and from there it was easy I just kept on going. At the end I couldn’t believe what I had accomplished. To get the basic part done took me around four hours. But then I just kept on tweaking thing. I went in the next day because Tyler was mixing a band named Toro on pro tools all day. So when I got there he showed me how to take the songs that they had recorded on a tape machine in input them into pro tools. Then he showed me how to align the tempo so when you are on grid mode everything stays in sink. By the end of the day it was amazing what Tyler had accomplished
Ashton Nelson — Indianapolis Recording Connection
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