Gary NunezJersey City Recording Connection

Lesson 8 Posted on 2013-07-13 by Gary Nunez

Date: 7/9/2013

Time In:12:00pm

Time Out: 3:30pm

Lesson 8

Lesson 8 was centered around the palcement of the microphone. The four fundamental styles of mic placemnet that relates to the distance are distant, close, accent , and ambient. We discussedn in detail the differences and similarities between these placements. Max mentioned that the 3:1 rule protectes against excessive microphone phasing. In the reading we touched upon the fact that when recording  electric guitar and bass amps the brightest sound is made when the microphone is facing into the center of the speaker's cone.  We then talked about that the enigeeer will label each input in the software to keep track and that a list of instuments and vocals were recorded on a sheet called the studio track log. Lesson eight ended with a preview of what protools was like.



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Gary Nunez

Lesson 13Posted by Gary Nunez on 2013-09-11

Date 8/6/2013 Time In 1200pm Time Out 200pm Lesson 13 We continued signal processing with Dynamics based: Volume Control questions and anwers... Read More >>