Lesson 13 went over stuff that Joey and I had previously talked about. It was mainly about Signal Processing. However, this lesson doesn't have the full effect it would of had I not lived in the digital age. Everything's inside the computer now so signal processing isn't as complicated as it normally is with actual tangible hardware. It's honestly astounding to see just how much this industry has changed over the years. It reminds me of us as humans; it's ludacris to believe that we landed a man on the moon about sixty years after the Wright brothers made their first flight into the sky. That story reminds me of the music industry and all of the different aspects it has changed. I've learned a little more about compression, expansion, limiters, de-essers, and other various things of that nature. I still really need to get my hands a little dirty with mixing, but I feel that I may do a mediocre job at it; maybe deep down inside me I believe I don't have the patience for it (which may be right, but I still want to learn and do it). These last couple chapters are pretty much about mixing so I hope to get my hands dirty with it. Maybe I'm making it out to be harder then what it really is; I hope so. I've installed Omnisphere and Superior Drummer and have been working with them a lot lately, they were both SO worth the money. These programs are amazing! They are also helping me make amazing music as well. I'm glad I'm in this program, without it, it probably would've taken my whole college career to learn all the stuff I've learned over the past few months. I am eternally grateful Recording Connection, and to my mentor Joey, thank you both so much!
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Daniel Amaral
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect... Read More >>
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 18 was about Microphone Placement Techniques. It primarily went over the same things Lesson 8 went over, but was just a tad more detailed... Read More >>