Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect. He also told me that they usually mix with about five or six speakers and pan the sound so that it travels all around you while you listen to give you the sense that you are actually "in" the movie so to speak. It was very interesting to me that movie-makers take that much into consideration. It also went over little things about CD's and what it takes to get a massive album out to the masses. Overall, it was a very interesting topic for me.
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
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Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect... Read More >>
Lesson 18 was about Microphone Placement Techniques. It primarily went over the same things Lesson 8 went over, but was just a tad more detailed... Read More >>