Lesson 15 was the midterm portion and overall I did pretty well. Joey and I had touched base on most if not all of the stuff that the book is covering at the moment. The stuff Joey and I are working on now are primarily mixing lessons. I honestly was making mixing a million times harder than it actually is. Maybe just the whole, "There's not really a right way to mix" mumbo jumbo was just messing with my head. I now see how mixing can be extremely complicated only in the fact that there are endless possibilities on how you can go about doing so. The last time I was at Joey's I learned so much not just in mixing, but also in creating songs as well. I was able to understand mixing so much more with him than just by myself. That day really opened my eyes for so many possibilities creatively, both musically and sonically. I hope to continue working with Joey to finish that mix session he had me start on and see just how much higher I can soar.
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Daniel Amaral
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect... Read More >>
Daniel Amaral
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