Before going into Lesson 16 (which is about USB, Midi, and Electronic Music) I had a very good understanding of exactly what I was getting into regarding this lesson. I have been making my own MIDI music for at least two years now and I understood many things beforehand. However, Joey helped me to discover that I could actually write my MIDI out to Audio using a certain process he showed me, which was really cool and it allows me to actually "mix" my MIDI essentially. Joey also helped me to use the plug-ins I have better by showing me that the multi-timbral plug-ins I have (and also have purchased) can be used to have 16 different tracks open at once. I did not know that by having a lot of plug-ins open you are limiting your CPU processing power, which in turn can cause your Digital Audio Workstation program on your computer to crash. It happens still now, but not nearly as much ever since Joey showed me that I could manage my songs and plug-ins better. So all in all, I had a pretty great understanding already, but thanks to Joey, I now have so much more knowledge in this specific part of music recording and production.
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Daniel Amaral
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect... Read More >>
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 18 was about Microphone Placement Techniques. It primarily went over the same things Lesson 8 went over, but was just a tad more detailed... Read More >>