So Lesson 10 briefly goes over the Mbox Mini and it's design and fuctionality. Oddly enough, the Recording Connection upgraded from the Mbox and I now have sitting on my desk, a Scarlett 2i2 instead. I've only used it once so far, (Since I mostly do MIDI work), but when I did use it, it worked great and it seems very user friendly and easy to use. The Scarlett has 2 inputs that can either be used for instruments or microphones; it also has an interesting feature, letting you know if you instrument or mic is clipping (it will turn red around the dial), which if it does, all you have to do is turn the gain down until it is green around the dial. I've recently upgraded my computer and have a newer Macbook Pro and they don't have a firewire cable anymore (they have shifted to Thunderbolt connection now). The Mbox Pro I have has to connect to firewire, but luckily for me, the Scarlett plugs straight into my computer via USB, which is very convenient. The Scarlett also came with its own plug-in suite (filled with compressors, EQ's, etc.) and they have been very helpful plug-ins that I normally use now. Overall, this lesson was mainly focused on the connection and functionality of my audio interface, which I know how to use and control now.
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
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Daniel Amaral
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Daniel Amaral
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