This lesson went over lesson 11, it's basically a recap of the previous lesson, but a lot can be said about signal processing. Joey and I had more of a discussion on signal processing last week as we talked about different plug-ins and programs that I aim to eventually purchase. Joey also showed me how to render all my MIDI tracks to audio and it has helped immensely both with mixing and it taxes my computer less, so I'm very thankful Joey showed me how to do it and why I have to. This week so far, however, was good because I finally got a chance to understand a little of what EQ is and actually use an EQ plug-in on instruments for one of my pieces of music. I also got the chance to take advantage of tutoring services that the Recording Conncection has to offer. I had my first session last Friday and I'm glad I'm getting tutoring because it is helping. I felt really good about myself when my tutor said that I was way further along than almost all of the people he tutuors, which was awesome to hear since I honestly don't think I'm that much further along, but apparently I am. I am still getting used to the way Pro Tools operates and I'm learning much more of what this program has to offer. I also recently purchased Omnisphere and working with that program is amazing, it'd probably take me nearly the rest of my life to actually sit down and explore every single sound that program has. I feel I'm at the point where I have to truly learn exactly how to mix and hopefully, with enough experience and know-how, I hope to accomplish this feat.
Daniel Amaral — Los Angeles Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Daniel Amaral
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 19 went over Surrond Mixing. Thanks to Joey, I got a good understanding of exactly what Surrond Mixing is. The way that we mix music in general is with two monitor speakers, but Joey was telling me that when people do music and sound editing for the movies, he says that they mix and design the sound usually with Dolby Digital Surround Sound for effect... Read More >>
Daniel Amaral
Lesson 18 was about Microphone Placement Techniques. It primarily went over the same things Lesson 8 went over, but was just a tad more detailed... Read More >>