Eddy MartinezLos Angeles Recording Connection

...And The Beat Goes On! Posted on 2012-12-05 by Eddy Martinez


I wanted my first Blog to explain why I am so passionate about sound, music, and it's because we all love music. I have never met someone who doesn't like some form of music, and use it in everyday life. Being a DJ I have come across a lot of people, all in different tastes of music. I remember my first "AH HA" moment while DJing. I realized that just because this one song is hated by a person, doesn't mean that on the other side of the nightclub I just made someone's night by playing their favorite jam. 


I love how hearing a song can bombard you with memories, taking you as far back as your childhood. Music can make you move, dance and express yourself. It can inspire and influence your emotions, sending goosebumps over your entire body. 

That incredablle feeling of being able to release anger or frustrations by screaming your favorite tune at the op of your lungs, coming across that song on the radio that always brings a tear to your eye, no matter how many times you hear it, or just being silly in front of your mirror lip singing to the Spice Girls. 


It doesn't matter where you go in the world, music is being used in every culture. It can change how a person looks at the world while bringing the world together. That is the power of music and sound and that is why I am so passionate and so in love with Music and Sound.

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