I was pretty excited to have been accepted at the Recording Connection, so when I got the call that I was accepted, I was more than happy! My first week of school began on the week of June 15, 2015. I went 2 times to the studio for the week. I stayed approximately 5 1/2 hours each day. The first day was confusing to me because it made me realize this is what I am going to do for my life. I got to the studio and I realized as well that I needed to have read the chapter and I didn't even read page 1. haha, but my mentor was quite understanding and explained I needed to come prepared and take this course seriously because it is school. I understood it was gonna take a-lot of my time and effort to complete these 6 months, so that is what I have to do, I said to myself. I went home and took the quiz after the second day of being at the studio so I was a little bit late. I got 14/15 questions correct so I felt very proud of myself. As I said, I stayed up until 4:30 AM studying and reviewing the chapter. I took a lot of notes which is what helped me to pass the chapter quiz with an A. I do not have any pictures for this week's blog as it is my first one and I kinda still am new to this whole thing, but I am catching up. I did get to meet many other people apart from my mentor though. I met another producer/engineer called Eric or Erick. I got the chance to meet him and know a little bit about him. We talked for a bit when I was on lunch break and so was he. He is pretty chill, cool guy and I like how he told me part of his life and struggles but also his victories. He did encourage me by telling me that at first it's a lot of hard work, but in the end it will pay off. I also met some other Artist and Producers but I cannot remember their names. They work with my mentor Justin Portis. First day was pretty chill, just sitting back and watching the work of my mentor and his partners. We discussed a couple of things that include to never sell myself short for my talent or skill. That was something I really needed to hear because I've been someone who works or does things of talent or things that require skill, for free. I need to value my skills and talents, and never downgrade it. I really enjoyed chopping it up with them. My mentor also showed me a couple of songs he had been working on and what he was working on. Second day, I had the expierience of showing up to my first meeting (my mentor's meeting). I went with my mentor to a meething that he had and it is crazy how in this business, you talk business, lol! But apart from that, like I said I also met some other producer who was interested in working with my mentor, forgot his name though. After he left, I got to work on a song or project that my mentor was working on. I actually got to help him record and finish the song faster by working together. He was working on making an acoustic song of the beatles song "I wanna hold your hand". It was very annoying to me to be honest, because the song was getting annoying, haha, but I was glad I got to help on the song. I learned a couple things from my mentor that he taught me about pro tools. We finished the song together and he was happy that I was there to help him. That really makes me feel good because it feels like I am wanted at their studio. After I watched my mentor work on an instrumental or song that he had been working on and I gave my opinion on it. I had to go after that but it was a great first week! First day like I said, was a little bit, maybe frustrating or confusing, but second day there fixed that problem. My mentor told me he wanted me to have the best expierience while with him so if I am not having it, to tell him and just be honest. I like that. Tomorrow I will go back where there will be a session for the first time. I am planning to stay the whole day and I will write my second blog on it tomorrow, well today. I am also glad that I get to communicate with my mentor and can both try and get a flexible schedule so it is convienient to both of us. It was a great first week and I am looking forward to finish this course with a happy ending! Pictures will be posted for my second blog. Thanks for reading.
Oscar Rivas — Los Angeles Recording Connection
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