Oscar RivasLos Angeles Recording Connection

Week 2 at the Studio Posted on 2015-07-10 by Oscar Rivas

So week 2 of school and the 2nd week at the studio was pretty intense. I was able to see many things in just the second week. I got to see my mentor work with 2 new people I never met before. One was a female and the other a male. They were all working on a song and I was just watching, like a fly on the wall. They were writing the song and then began recording the lyrics to it. My mentor had already finished the beat so it was easy for them to just continue to make the song. I noticed how they would mess up on the song and rewrite certain parts again. Then the male wrote some lyrics in rap form. He recorded his verse and the female recorded hers.It was the session for the day. So that was all I could do that day, just to be a fly on the wall while my mentor and his partners worked on the song. I went only once this week. I stayed the complete 8 hours.

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