Oscar RivasLos Angeles Recording Connection

On my own Week 12 Posted on 2015-09-05 by Oscar Rivas

This week I asked if I could chill in the studio's lounge because my mentor was busy with a session and there were no more seats for his guests. I suggested I chill in the lounge and work there for the day. I worked on some files and was getting more informed on this week's chapter topic, mixing. Mixing was a little familiar to me because my mentor had explained some of it in a previous visit. He gave me an assignment to do with pro tools and basic mixing like organization, leveling, and fades. I finished it by my next visit and he said it was great! so I am just informing myself a little more about miing to make sure I understand 100% of it and not just 80%. This week was simple and as the title says it, I was working on my own trying to improve on what I already know and been taught.

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