Andy BrisinoLos Angeles Recording Connection

Chapter 12 Blog. Posted on 2015-05-27 by Andy Brisino

Well chapter 12 was a really fun chapter. Well not so much the book part, but the lesson aspect of it. This chapter was all about mix theory. It was interesting going in for a lesson and hearing what my mentor, michael blum, had to stay about this chapter. Michael was telling me how mix theory is a lot like painting. There is really no proper way to approach it. It has a lot to do with what you want it so sound like and the style you're going for and much more variables. Someone that works with michael, who also does some mentoring, Trevor, also pitched in on the lesson. Trevor has also talked to me here and there about all the lessons and everything, but we talked quite a good amount about this lesson. Michael let Trevor teach me a lot about the lesson. Trevor even offered me some get advice and some pointers, which he has done many times before, but i got much more from him this time around. Trevor also offered to help me with my progress with this new project that the book assigned. Trevor is willing to help me every step of the way. Trevor even showed me some good editing headphones that he recommened to me. It was definitely an interesting lesson and got a lot of insight about it. 

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Andy Brisino

Chapter 18 Blog.Posted by Andy Brisino on 2015-12-10

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