Cole Hankins
It's certainly been a long time since I've posted a blog. A lot of things have happened during that span. For the Recording Connection, our final project is to bring in a client and record and mix a track for them... Read More >>
Major: Recording Engineer/Music Producer
I have always loved music. Whether it was just listening to it, or playing it on drums, or even making it. I have appreciated it more and more as I grow older. As a kid, I shouldn't say I was forced to listen to Country music, but as a kid, the car owner had the choice of music, so I didn't complain. But then in mid to late Elementary school, I narrowed my genre to rock/metal. Bands like Hot Action Cop, (which I realized a few years ago had the most dirtiest, pornographic lyrics I have ever heard, even to this day), (Hed) P.E., Pantera, (ooooh Pantera), Limp Bizkit, and anything in that base genre, I was into.
But then later around 7th grade, I realized that I can't go in life just being narrowed into 1 group of music, if I wanted to be more socialable, (which I was very little of before), I had to expand my horizons. So that's were rap comes in. Everyone who has listened or heard rap would agree that 2Pac and Biggie are the best and will never be taken over in that position. So I would once again, narrow my rap selections to the golden age of rap in the 80's and 90's.
Then, all of a sudden, sometime into my Freshman year of high school, every type of genre seemed awesome to me. If you look into my Ipod, you'll see artists like: Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Anthrax, Creedence Clearwater Revival (A.K.A. C.C.R.), Blue Oyster Cult, N.W.A., Wiz Khalifa, to completely unknown artists like Yngwie Malmsteen, Korpiklaani, and so on. As much as I would love to put all the artists on here, I'll do you guys a favor and just leave it at that. So just going through that limited list, those are pretty far off from each other in both genre and time.
Continuing on my life, I started playing drums when I was 12 when I got a practice pad and a pair of drum sticks for Christmas, and almost 6 years later, I've been making my own drum covers of random songs on Youtube, (if you are interested, type in Spacolie716 and visit my channel to see what I've done).
So if you already have stuck with me through my life story, I give you props for reading all the way to this point. So now I'm currently still in high school, as a Senior, as well as going to Paradyme Productions for the Recording Connection at the same time. If you really want to know more about who I am as a person, read my blogs, and we'll see what goes from there.
Cole Hankins
It's certainly been a long time since I've posted a blog. A lot of things have happened during that span. For the Recording Connection, our final project is to bring in a client and record and mix a track for them... Read More >>
Cole Hankins
If you haven't read my description on my page, then this blog might not make complete sense, so if I were you, I might check it out or just quick read through it... Read More >>