If you haven't read my description on my page, then this blog might not make complete sense, so if I were you, I might check it out or just quick read through it. One thing I did not mention in my description page was that I've actually made some of my own music as well. I've used programs like Sony Acid Pro 6 and Acoustica Mixcraft 4, and have used loops out of those programs to make my own music. When I started doing them, I really didn't take too much consideration of acutally trying to make it sound professional. I would kind of just mash some loops together that make sense and just go from there, rather than trying to get everything on beat and in order. Although in my personal opinion they sounded alright, from a producer's point of view, probably not the same reaction. But as I learn more and more with the Recording Connection, I will soon be able to do everything like a professional, rather than a kid on a computer.
Cole Hankins — Madison Recording Connection
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Cole Hankins
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Cole Hankins
If you haven't read my description on my page, then this blog might not make complete sense, so if I were you, I might check it out or just quick read through it... Read More >>