So anyway , as I continue the journey nearing and approaching the end of this course I still find myself learning new things and realizing how much more there is to this than most people think ... that is truth . I have downloaded all the criteria available to me from the E book course including the video stuff (which I have not tried to open yet but will this week just to see) . The things I have submitted for testing I have even decided to keep to continue to work on . I bring a new thing to my mentor every week to critique . It takes time and repitition , Quality equipment helps ... a lot. I do my work at home ( because this is where I will be doing it in the future for the most part ) and Dan guides me in the way . One thing that was really cool , just today actually , Dan hooked me up with another old timer engineer , Gary , that moved here from LA . He has a studio still at his home about an hour from my house . I was invited to come help set up the drum session he had . Many awesome vintage mics and other equipment mixed in with the new tools of course and a drummer from England ( Mark ) that has quite a few years of playing under his belt . I spent just over 8 hours there ... what a day . They bought me lunch and gave me gas money to boot ... I really did try not to take the cash because just the experience was great , but , well , I was invited back so that's cool . What great guys . Note to anyone who cares to read my opinion on this stuff ..... you gotta do it because you really like to . as with most things
Michael Jakubiak — Milwaukee Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Michael Jakubiak trying to get as much exposure as possible ... Read More >>
posted new video on youtube channel yesterday . gonna try the video blog to get attention for music stuff . it may work , it may not , i'm not totally clear yet on how i'm gonna present interesting information ... Read More >>