posted new video on youtube channel yesterday . gonna try the video blog to get attention for music stuff . it may work , it may not , i'm not totally clear yet on how i'm gonna present interesting information ... i had never really thought of myself as someone that would be doing that . as my career with the fire dept. comes to a close and i move more towards music i guess it won't hurt to try new ideas . maybe i should have been trying this all along . LOL . the internet didn't exist when i started making music . my goal really is to just get people to hear and like the music i make ... financially i know i'm ok either way ... it would be cool though if enough people thought it was good enough that i could make a new career out of it . after all , i have spent a lot of time (and money) doing it .
Michael Jakubiak — Milwaukee Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Michael Jakubiak trying to get as much exposure as possible ... Read More >>
posted new video on youtube channel yesterday . gonna try the video blog to get attention for music stuff . it may work , it may not , i'm not totally clear yet on how i'm gonna present interesting information ... Read More >>