Mikael ClausNew York City Recording Connection

01 - Physics and Chung King Studios Posted on 2014-04-01 by Mikael Claus

Starting off this chapter I felt like I was back in physics class but after reading through a page I realized that it was much more specifically catered to my interest in every aspect of music. As opposed to just hitting a metal tong and talking about the theoretical waveforms i was able to see the sine, square, triangle and saw waves that I have been manipulating on Logic Pro without full knowledge of phase and masking to create new sounds. Basically I was randomly turning nobs before... Walking into my first lesson the numerous records across the walls of Chung King Studios were looking down at me from every angle. Thankfully I was told to wait a couple of minutes, so I took the time to fathom where I was. Nas, Kid Cudi, Nelly and even the LL Cool J record with a faint marking that read “ODB” which made me chuckle. I entered the smaller control room to begin my first lesson and met my mentor Arn. Although it seemed quite straightforward I was able to talk to my mentor about his similar interests in midi and synthesizer manipulation. 



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