Nicholas Casasoakland Recording Connection

Chapter 1: Dope Studio Session Posted on 2016-10-26 by Nicholas Casas

Today was my first day with David Hughes at Shine On Studio and it was definitely more than anticipated. I spent the fastest two hours of my life observing David as he manipulated tracks to demonstrate the quality and importance of phase shifting. Now I'm no pro, but  if you're like me, you know how montonous it is when you're being taught something you already know. On the contrary, I couldn't keep up! I had to have him slow down a few times just to catch up with my notes. I definitely took away alot of important information that I hadn't known before. David is a cool and reserved guy who is clearly passionate with what he does and is very good at it! I'm looking forward to seeing him again this week as I will be sitting in on one of his client's sessions. 

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