Jesse LudwigPhiladelphia Recording Connection

EP IS FINISHED/ELK EMBASSY Posted on 2016-12-07 by Jesse Ludwig

The Ep that my friends band recorded with Joey is now finished! I had the extreme pleasure of helping out a little bit with this project! It was truly a dream! I got to see the recording, mixing, and mastering process. Joey would ask me for help sometimes to go change the headphone levels or set up new headphones, set up some mics, help set up direct boxes, etc. It was so much fun to see this project created and it sounds great! Their name is Elk Embassy. I went to high school with all of them and decided to bring them in one thursday. It started out as just bringing them in for a trial just so I could see them being recorded and learn how that process works. Little did I know, it would turn into a whole EP project and we would be there for another couple of months! It was amazing and Joey taught me alot throughout this incredible process. I am a little sad that it is over, but the journey to the final product was amazing and it sounds apsolutely incredible! Joey really did a great job with this EP, and I am truly blessed to have learned so much from him! 

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