So I performed at a wedding on Saturday! My first big break in music. I played acoustic guitar and sang a couple cool songs in honor of the bride and groom. That's all cool and all but is that really what I want to do for the next year or so? How do I get to building my resume and, eventually, building my own studio? Help!?!? I don't know if you've heard of this new place called, Rock Litiz, in Lancaster PA. I might try interning there for a summer or so. What do you think? I think my next step is going to be trying to get as many interships as possible. You know, just to get some experience put on my resume. I think Rock Litiz will be a geat place to learn a lot from. Supposedly, Rock Litiz is supposed to be the worlds largest performance venue in the world, so maybe this will really pan out!
Isbela Gelnett — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
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Isbela Gelnett
So I performed at a wedding on Saturday! My first big break in music. I played acoustic guitar and sang a couple cool songs in honor of the bride and groom... Read More >>