My first lesson was really interesting we were in the smaller of the two studio rooms, because a mixing session was going on in Studio A. We started out with the basic understanding and structure of waveforms, and how frequency and amplitude take play in everything, including how that changed the shape and size of a waveform through a complete cycle. As we moved into decibels or dBs we discussed the dB chart and were the threshold of pain is on the chart. Larry really stressed how important it is to protect your ears from hearing damage, because they are your tools of the trade, and i have to admit ive thought about before but he definatly opened my eyes to some extra safty percautions that you tend to forget, ex: at concerts for long periods of time without earplugs or ust being close to loud speakers for a long period of time. After that we got into how sound waves Lengths travel through air and that acoustics play a huge part in a studios setup. we went over simple and complex frequencys and the difference between them, and i learned about phase shifts and how this can be a tricky thing to figure out in audio sometimes. we touched on the fletcher munson curve and finished the lesson talking about Beats. before i left after my first session, I got a chance to Meet Larrys assistant Engineer Nate that was taking a break from some Mixing he was working on earlier when i had arrived.
Mickey Busa — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Mickey Busa
Mickey Busa
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Mickey Busa
Last week there was no time for a new lesson, but i got to spend two days in studio with The Works, A Jam band from Ohio that ive Listened to quite often, so i was pretty excited to get a listen on some of their new stuff... Read More >>