Today Larry and I talked about the acoustics of the studio, and the different rooms, how they are specially built to isolate the studio area from the rest of the building as much as possible, Spanning from floating floors and hanging ceilings to the correct architecture of the walls to bounce the sound waves around the room in the most optimal way as possible. We then talked about Monitors and the different kinds of monitors you can use based on size and there range, and that Monitors are made for many different depths and pitches of sounds Ex. Far set mid set and near. we discussed passive and active monitors and the pro's and cons as well as the differences between the two. We then took a walk around the studio, and looked at the architecture or the different rooms, going over air locks and double doors and drop bars on doors all help to isolate your studio area even better. Larry showed me through the service area's of the building and the power grid, and explained the difference between clean and dirty electricity, and how that effects sound equipment and how your work sounds, clean is used for equipment and dirty for lights, and not studio related items.
Mickey Busa — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Mickey Busa
Mickey Busa
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Mickey Busa
Last week there was no time for a new lesson, but i got to spend two days in studio with The Works, A Jam band from Ohio that ive Listened to quite often, so i was pretty excited to get a listen on some of their new stuff... Read More >>