Today we went over connectivity, and how absolutly important it is to KNOW your signal flow. I was given a Signal flow chart to review and memorize so soon the signal flow will be apart of my memory! We then continued through different cables, connection tips, for example XLRs, 1/4th cables/TRS. As well as the difference between balanced and unbalanced, larry also said its not a bad idea to familiarize yourself with all these wires, and how to make them and repair them. cables are a huge factor in making all your equipment run together correctly, and usually are the first thing to check when a problem occurs. the signal flow is everything, and must be memorized.
Mickey Busa — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
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Mickey Busa
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Mickey Busa
Last week there was no time for a new lesson, but i got to spend two days in studio with The Works, A Jam band from Ohio that ive Listened to quite often, so i was pretty excited to get a listen on some of their new stuff... Read More >>