My last blog for this lesson managed to not save, so here is my attempt to recall everything we discussed and i learned about microphones in my previous weeks lesson. So Microphones, Dynamic, Condensor, and ribbon mics are what we see the most of today. Dynamic microphones are the most simple, they dont require phantom power, and they are tough and rugged. great live sound Microphones. Ex. SM 57/58 Seinheiser 421. Now because dynamic mics dont need Phantom power, the sound wave picked up by the mic is not strong enough, so you must run the mic line to a pre-amp, using an xlr cable. Condensor mics work the same way but they require phantom power from the pre amp as well, but have a much more tailored frequency response. Ribbon mics' are even more sensitive and require great handleing and can be destoyed with phantom power, so it is very important to double check all of your preamps before setting up a ribbon mic. some popular Condensor mics we looked at Neumann U87, Telefunken 251 Neumann 84 and 49. All varying in frequency response. Over the weekend after this lesson, i got a chance to help set some mics up for a small session, as well as sit in studio while recording was going on with Larry.
Mickey Busa — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
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Mickey Busa
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