Over the last month or so I've been a little behind on my blogs, but very busy at the studio with my mentor. Mic placement is everything when your dealing with recording, when your looking for that good recordable tone from whatever it may be, Micing a drum kit to guitar amps. for example, today i got to set up and break down the mics on a 5-piece drum kit. Using a spaced pair setup for overhead mics as well as the room mics. We used a blanket to muffle the kick drum because it had an open face, and a damping ring with the snare to eliminate some feedback it was creating. for the guitar amp an 87 worked great, and the same on the bass amp with a DI as well so we could turn the amp down that was producing alot of buzz.
Today i also got to see how the room lay out can be changed to fit different artists. we had the drum kit in the big room and the guitar in back left isolation and bass in back right allowing for almost complete seperation and an awesome recording session. before the tracking lesson i would have never thought about setting a band up like this assuming you would record them in the same room as if they where live, boy was i wrong.
Mickey Busa — Pittsburgh Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Mickey Busa
Mickey Busa
We got these lessons a little out of order in reference to the book, but it worked well in the times i was their to do them the way we did... Read More >>
Mickey Busa
Last week there was no time for a new lesson, but i got to spend two days in studio with The Works, A Jam band from Ohio that ive Listened to quite often, so i was pretty excited to get a listen on some of their new stuff... Read More >>