This blog isn't so much about recording as it is being williing to share what you know with others for FREE (when appropriate, the "appropriate" part I leave up to the engineer to decide as they need to make a living too.) It might be easy to say that this could put an audio engineer out of business, but I've had the privelage of having so many in the industry let me join in on their projects and ask questions. It's amazing these audio professionals were willing to share their hard earned knowledge and time with me so I could be doing what I am currently doing so well. Why should I not share what I know with others (when appropriate), when so many others have freely shared time and wisdom with me? Lastly, we share and train to keep our craft alive. We need to pass our knowledge along to the next passionate generation so they can continue to carry the artistic torch when our bodies and ears have finally given out.
Brent R — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Brent R
There are many aspects that make a great mix like clarity, timing, and dynamics. If the mix is lacking in any of those aspects the mix can be noticealbly weaker... Read More >>
I venture to say the best teacher in your field of audio engineering may be you! With so much available information on the craft of audio engineering, it only takes a person with some motovation to teach themselves something in the field... Read More >>