Today my laptop arrived (Mac Book Pro) and tomorrow I will Download Abelton Live 9 suite. Along with that, me and Johnny (Tutor) will begin our first ever session! I'm super stoked, and I can't wait to start developing skills, and I hope everything will go smoothly!
Colton Pocock — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Colton Pocock
Colton Pocock
So its been a little while and sence then me and my tutor have been focusing on mixing. I have downloaded Nuetron 2 and Ozone 8, I dont plan on using Ozone 8 too much but it came in a bundle deal so why not? We have been taking a look at eqing and compression and how to balance your mix... Read More >>
Colton Pocock
Hey there! Its been a minute but I've been busy working on my music and just having a daily life. Me and my tutor have meet up multiple times since my last blog and we are focusing on what I want to learn... Read More >>