Hey there! Its been a minute but I've been busy working on my music and just having a daily life. Me and my tutor have meet up multiple times since my last blog and we are focusing on what I want to learn. I'm gunna learn the ableton course on my own, and we are gunna work on EQ, compression, how to mix down a track, and eveything that goes into working with a audio clips. We will also look at how to record audio and the list goes on. Ill Blog my next visit when we meet up. That's all for now!
Colton Pocock — Portland Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Colton Pocock
Colton Pocock
So its been a little while and sence then me and my tutor have been focusing on mixing. I have downloaded Nuetron 2 and Ozone 8, I dont plan on using Ozone 8 too much but it came in a bundle deal so why not? We have been taking a look at eqing and compression and how to balance your mix... Read More >>
Colton Pocock
Hey there! Its been a minute but I've been busy working on my music and just having a daily life. Me and my tutor have meet up multiple times since my last blog and we are focusing on what I want to learn... Read More >>