Did my first recording session of myself with my mentor in Black Diamond Recording Studios. The first take of myself recording I had little jidders, but after that I quickly got comfortable. My song was my talent show song that I wrote, produced, and performed in my senior year of high school (I graduated this year 2017). I used Garageband to produced this song; I say structured the song because Garageband has loops for sounds. So I just structured the sounds to my liking and EQ it for better quality. Garageband is my beginning stage for learning how to work with software and get the ear for production. But I think I did pretty well for using Garageband for a year now, but once I get better production software, the song will be different and offical. The first verse of this song I wrote last year, but around that time I couldn't figure out what the second verse is going to be. I knew there was going to be a talent show for my senior year. So my first semiester of senior year, I wrote the whole second verse which is the last verse. This song was already going to be about me and how I grow up in the community I started living in for about 4-5 years now. So I thought this song/topic was perfect for performing in my school in the talent show. I didn't care about winning the talent show, I just wanted to show my creativity to my community and hopefully motivated them to go off to the real world with a better mindset.
Link of my talent show performance www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjelMZe50Ww