This chapter was pretty tough but really interesting. Chater 5 covered Microphones and the history of them and all the different types there are. There's a lot basically. But if you think about it, there's 3 types; Dynamic, Condenser and Ribbon. There's a lot of microphones that fit into each of those catergories but if you just think of the 3 types and there function, you should be ok. In my session with Prince, he quizzed me on which microphone was which. I did pretty well but still need to work on it, just like everything else. Knowing if it's a condenser, dynamic or ribbon mic is kind of easy but getting the exact name is still hard, but practice makes perfect. Another session I had with Prince, I met these two guys that wanted to record a song they've been working on. They were amateurs but that doesn't matter, I'll help whoever wants it, pro or novice. I got to see how you mic an accoustic guitar and a bass guitar and the microphone placement you use when doing so. I can get into microphone placement, but I'll save that for the next blog. Till next time.
Francois Clark — Portland Recording Connection
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Francois Clark
This chapter covered microphone placement and when it comes to recording, that's very important. If you don't have a good recording, no amount of EQ or compression will make it sound good... Read More >>
Francois Clark
This chapter was pretty tough but really interesting. Chater 5 covered Microphones and the history of them and all the different types there are... Read More >>