my first observation day was monday was monday june 15 2015 in was observing how they master a track and how to set up a session i have seen where its kind of chalenging to set up a session the right way but with practice it can be acomplish i like the way the mentors takes time out to explain things to you step by step amd the are some very nice interns from recording radio connection who also will help you with anything you ask them to. i meet some former rrf students who has gotten jobs as the assistant of their mentor and mentors far this has being a very fun and interesting experiance.i think i will grow to become an very good audio engineer with rrf.
Kimaunie Reid — Rosadale Recording Connection
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Kimaunie Reid
my first observation day was monday was monday june 15 2015 in was observing how they master a track and how to set up a session i have seen where its kind of chalenging to set up a session the right way but with practice it can be acomplish i like the way the mentors takes time out to explain things to you step by step amd the are some very nice interns from recording radio connection who also will help you with anything you ask them to... Read More >>