Kimaunie Reid
friday i was in a mastering session for talib kweli new album it was an interesting experiance the quality of mixing andediting has alot to do with how your music sound on different equipments... Read More >>
Major: audio engineering
i was born in the island of jamaica rollinton town kingston i was riased alongside three brothers and four sisters by a very harworking introduction to music came from my mothers work place she worked in a bar and i use to be there every friday and saturday night i developed a real love for music. in my mid teens i started writing songs and singing songs i never had good vocals so i would give songs to people who could sing and they would get alot of recognition for them. i had two songs that was featured in the national jcdc song competition.I tried to persue a song writing career but every try was a dead end.i moved to the state in 2006 i stiarted recording songs again which only made it to the reggae underworld scene.i stop for four years and i was working cargo at jfk airport i hate my job so i decided i wanna make money doing the thing that i love.I found recording connection online and here i am today.
Kimaunie Reid
friday i was in a mastering session for talib kweli new album it was an interesting experiance the quality of mixing andediting has alot to do with how your music sound on different equipments... Read More >>
Kimaunie Reid
my first observation day was monday was monday june 15 2015 in was observing how they master a track and how to set up a session i have seen where its kind of chalenging to set up a session the right way but with practice it can be acomplish i like the way the mentors takes time out to explain things to you step by step amd the are some very nice interns from recording radio connection who also will help you with anything you ask them to... Read More >>