This week I spent mixing the track I recorded with Sweet Sunshine & Honey. It was easier than the previous mix I did for The Truth & The Trip, because it didn’t have drums, but it did have some difficulties and took both class periods to work on. The background vocals in particular were a big deal because one of them was significantly out of tune and another one was a lot quieter than the others. Thankfully Mr. Sinko has the Melodyne plug-in which allowed me to tune and pitch shift every single note they sang. The main female vocal thankfully was almost pitch perfect and extremely well executed so I did very little to it except give it some compression to make it stand out a bit more.
The singer’s acoustic guitar was similarly perfect and I just added some compression for coloration. I got the banjo to be slightly louder than the guitar but still basically subdued. The violin had a very simple chug-a-chug part during the verse but when the solos came I put it up about 6db, which brought it to the same level as the vocals (silent at these times). The upright bass gave me the most trouble of the instruments because the slap was a little too much. We helped flatten it out with some compression and notch filtering. Overall I was much more satisfied with the way it turned out than my previous two mixes. Actually look forward to showing it to people.