Vincenzo LarichSan Diego Recording Connection

Recording Session 2, Allen Posted on 2015-02-16 by Vincenzo Larich

The second session I was invited to after the drummer Danny was an artist named Allen. He was brought in to do some keyboard work for some loop projects Track Star studio had been working on. This was a very informative session because I had the opportunity to oversee MIDI and digital audio put to good use. It's a bit of a different setup as far as a plot map would go due to the fact that he did not have to be isolated in the recording room. He was directly plugged into the preamp and was being recorded onto the track that way.

In the same session, we actually did record him playing a very unique intrument, the steel drums. I have never seen these in person beofre and they have such a unique sound to them. They also seem incredibly difficult to play, as all the notes are scattered throught the steel barrell of a drum itself. Allen did not have the notes labeled because he does not like how it makes the drum look toyish, if you will. Bold, but I do respect it. So it took him a minute to find the notes he needed and get in the groove of the beat, but once there, the sounds were amazing. Such a pleasure to meet him and see him in action.


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