Monday, September 2, 2013
Time in- 5:00 PM
Time out- 9:00 PM
Lesson #2
In my second lesson, I made a bit of a mistake. I had forgotten that the second was Labor day, so I went to north Seattle thinking I had a lesson scheduled. I got to the studio and Mark obviously wasn't there, so in the mean time I tried to help out Jayson, one of the engineers that works there, with anything I could around the studio. Mark got there around 15 minutes after I did, and I felt terrible for taking him away from whatever he was doing for labor day. He said it was alright and we got right into the lesson. He reviewed my work and went over the concepts of the chapters with me to fully make sure I understood everything. After a few more hours of helping out around the studio, Mark had me sit in on a meeting he was having with one of his friends from Georgetown about installing a new console in the studio. The meeting lasted a couple hours and I was dismissed after that.