Session 13 was about equalization, which more or less is about how loud a sound can be. In some cases, a bass sound might be louder than say, the guitar part, you equalize it, make the guitar sound louder so that it is not drowned out and vice versa. I listened to example that Terence pulled up on the studios pro tools. He also showed me the different plugins and audiosuite and how it pertains to equalization. Since I've been working with pro tools, practicing with mixes and working on the mixing assignment, I understand more about equalization, and also have a better understanding of the plugins in my version of pro tools, as well as Audio Suite.
Margaret Cantwell — St. Louis Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Margaret Cantwell
Margaret Cantwell
I had forgotten to do a blog for chapter 17. Needless to say, it went well. This week's session was about acoustics in the studio and why we record the way we do... Read More >>
Margaret Cantwell
Session 16, chapter 16 was MIDI. I took a MIDI class at Webster University and did excellently. Since I have a background in piano, MIDI was basically just that, playing a piano that gets recorded directly into the DAW... Read More >>