Time-Based Effects are really interesting. I've been using Pro Tools for three months, and I didn't realize when I was using AudioSuite that what I was messing around with were time-based effects. I understand this subject better. Terence showed me examples of time-based effects that he has used on recordings, as well as ones he wasn't using, just simply to show me what they were and how they work. To my delight, I realized I had been working with time-based effects. Yet I didn't know! I was just messing around. But it made me feel more confident. I'm ready to upload my mixing assignment. I finished it two weeks ago, but will give it a thorough listen before I turn it in. I kept it simple, because the song I chose had a punk rock feel to it. It is classic rock and roll, so I felt it didn't need too much. But a good listen over will be good. Next subject is MIDI, a favortie topic.
Margaret Cantwell — St. Louis Recording Connection
More Blog Entries from Margaret Cantwell
Margaret Cantwell
I had forgotten to do a blog for chapter 17. Needless to say, it went well. This week's session was about acoustics in the studio and why we record the way we do... Read More >>
Margaret Cantwell
Session 16, chapter 16 was MIDI. I took a MIDI class at Webster University and did excellently. Since I have a background in piano, MIDI was basically just that, playing a piano that gets recorded directly into the DAW... Read More >>