Tate WalterToledo Recording Connection

Mic Shootout Posted on 2015-02-05 by Tate Walter

Today i got to play around with a lot of different mic sounds. I even brought in one of my own mics to test out. What we did this day was hook up 4 mics my blue cardiod mic, a CADD mic, a Ribbon mic, and also another condenser mic. I ended up just finger picking on an acoustic guitar just to get a nice idea of how they all sound  individually. After that i had a chance to pick two that i really liked together then add a lttle bit of reverd on it. What we did is hooked up the tone to a lexicon and i flipped through all the setting finding something i thouhgt would sounds great over it. During the whole session i hooked up the patch bay and set up all the lines to the computer and really got a full feeling on how the studio is run.

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Tate Walter

auto tunePosted by Tate Walter on 2015-06-16

I had my first auto tune session the other day. It was really interesting to see someone use it. I always thought it was something more for [people who cant sing that well, but there is also a very creative side to it as well... Read More >>