Tate WalterToledo Recording Connection

auto tune Posted on 2015-06-16 by Tate Walter

I had my first auto tune session the other day. It was really interesting to see someone use it. I always thought it was something more for [people who cant sing that well, but there is also a very creative side to it as well. It gave the rap song more of a pop feel when we would use it. I also found it funny when the artist would talk into the mic normally. I can't wait to experiment using auto tune with my own custmoers down the road.

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Tate Walter

auto tunePosted by Tate Walter on 2015-06-16

I had my first auto tune session the other day. It was really interesting to see someone use it. I always thought it was something more for [people who cant sing that well, but there is also a very creative side to it as well... Read More >>