Tate WalterToledo Recording Connection

Standing Bass Posted on 2015-06-04 by Tate Walter

We had a folk type band come in to lay down a couple songs. The bass playing played a standing bass and has been in mulitple studios nationwide. When we micked him we used an omni mic to capture the sound as well as the space in the room. When we were done tracking the bass player said that Brett had captured the best sound for his bass that he has ever heard. I thought that it had an awesome sound and i'm sure i will be using that in the future.

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Tate Walter

auto tunePosted by Tate Walter on 2015-06-16

I had my first auto tune session the other day. It was really interesting to see someone use it. I always thought it was something more for [people who cant sing that well, but there is also a very creative side to it as well... Read More >>