Tate WalterToledo Recording Connection

Mic collection Posted on 2015-02-23 by Tate Walter

my mentor has  really helped with choosing some of  my first mics. i now have 3 mics and have covered almost all of my bases. I have a solid cardiod mic, the blue spark, and recently picked up a cad m179 multi pick up pattern mic, and the other day we were looking at used music equipment atores and i picked up a classic shure sm57 dynamic mic. The only thing i need to add to the mix is a nice ribbon mic and ill have a solid start. He is really steering me in the right direction and i appreciate all the help he has given me since he obviously knows his gear far more than me. I am just excited to  get some people in to test out  these mics with me.

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Tate Walter

auto tunePosted by Tate Walter on 2015-06-16

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